Common sense of home appliances: how to use energy-efficient appliances

The hot summer outdoor heat wave, fortunately, indoors can watch TV and drink cold drinks and air conditioning, instantly refreshing. Special thanks to air conditioners, refrigerators, and electric fans for bringing us "cool summer" (there should be a package of applause~)
Having said that, the high temperature is coming, these home appliances have paid so much for us, and we should care more about them. Today, I will talk about how to use the small gadgets of home appliances correctly. Let’s take a look at it~
First, air conditioning
1. When opening the air conditioner, close the doors and windows and set the appropriate temperature. Do not open the door frequently in air-conditioned rooms, adjust the room temperature to 26-27 degrees. When you sleep, remember to set the air conditioner to sleep mode.
2. Clean the filter to ensure smooth air outlet. Too much dust can clog the mesh, causing the air conditioner to heat up too slowly and increase its power consumption. In addition, large pieces of furniture should be avoided to block heat dissipation, heat dissipation is not good, and it is easy to malfunction.
3. Avoid direct sunlight. Blocking direct sunlight can save about 5% of electricity. Therefore, it is best to use curtains when using air conditioners or to install awnings or blinds on the balcony.
3. Avoid direct sunlight. Blocking direct sunlight can save about 5% of electricity. Therefore, it is best to use curtains when using air conditioners or to install awnings or blinds on the balcony.
4. Turn off the air conditioner in advance. Normal room air-conditioning can be kept for about 15 minutes, so you can turn off the air conditioner 10 minutes before leaving home, which also saves electricity.
5. Appropriately improve the structure of the room. If the structure of the door and window is poor and the gap is large, it is necessary to seal the window gap with glue.
Second, the electric fan
1. Usually open the fast gear first, use the slow gear after cooling down. The power consumption of the electric fan is proportional to the rotational speed of the fan blade. Generally, the fan with a large fan blade has large electric power and consumes a lot of power. Take the 400mm fan as an example. When using the fast gear, the power consumption is 60W, and the slow gear is only 40W. The difference between the fastest and the slowest power consumption of the same electric fan is nearly 40%.
2. Placed next to the door and window. This facilitates air circulation, improves cooling, shortens usage time, and reduces power consumption.
3. Purchase energy-saving products and pay attention to the daily maintenance of electric fans. Avoiding deformation and vibration of the blades, and to a certain extent, is also conducive to saving electricity.
Third, the refrigerator
Third, the refrigerator
1. Keep the refrigerator in a cool, ventilated place. The distance from the wall is preferably more than 10 cm, which is good for heat dissipation.
2. Infrequently switch the refrigerator door. This can reduce unnecessary power consumption. If you feel that your own power consumption is abnormal, you can check if the door seal of the refrigerator is leaking.
3. In the summer, it is best to adjust the refrigerator to 5 degrees Celsius and the freezer to minus 14 degrees Celsius. Making ice or cold drinks in the summer should be arranged in the evening.
3. In the summer, it is best to adjust the refrigerator to 5 degrees Celsius and the freezer to minus 14 degrees Celsius. Making ice or cold drinks in the summer should be arranged in the evening.
4. Timely defrosting. Defrost can effectively increase the refrigeration efficiency of the refrigerator, reduce power consumption, and effectively control the odor in the refrigerator.
5. Do not put the refrigerated items too dense. This leaves a void for the circulation of cold air, so that the temperature of the food is cooled faster, reducing the number of times the compressor is operated, and saving electricity.
Fourth, the washing machine
1. Dip and wash first. Before washing, soak the clothes in a fluid soap or detergent solution for 10 to 14 minutes to allow the dirt and dirt on the detergent and clothes to act and then wash.
2. Color separation, first shallow and deep. Different colors of clothes are washed separately, not only are washed clean, but also washed quickly, which can be shortened by 1/3 time compared with mixing.
3. Rated Capacity. If the amount of washing is too small, the electric energy is wasted; on the contrary, washing too much at a time not only increases the washing time, but also causes the motor to be overloaded, which increases the power consumption and easily damages the motor.
4. In the same washing time, the use of strong gear can save more power than the weak gear, and can also extend the life of the washing machine.
Fifth, the TV
1. Reasonably choose the size of the TV. The TV of the appropriate size should be selected according to the size of the family population, the size of the room, etc., saving electricity and protecting the eyes.
2. Control the contrast and brightness of your TV. It is recommended to turn on the "automatic brightness control" function when watching TV. Generally, it will save 20%~30%, and the maximum energy saving is about 40%.
3. Turn off the power plug when the TV is not in use. After some TVs are turned off, the whole machine is in standby state and still using electricity.
Six, water heater
Six, water heater
1. Turn on the medium temperature insulation function. Keeping the water temperature at 45~50 degrees Celsius can minimize the loss of heat energy caused by the hot water exchange with the outside world. When hot water is needed, it can be used at any time without waiting for the cold water to heat up. For convenience.
2. Pay attention to the time of use. It is best for a family to choose to bathe in sequence at the same time, so that heating is faster and electricity is more economical.
3. Try to avoid the peak hours of electricity consumption. In the area where the “peak and valley time-sharing electricity price” is implemented, it will be heated by the low-priced “Gudian” period, heat storage and heat preservation, and automatically shut down during peak hours, which can reduce electricity expenses by nearly 50%.
81b400b525b326f6291468824b1c1d0a Tips
The use of home appliances should be "work and rest"
TV: Generally, it is recommended to shut down for half an hour every 4~6 hours;
Computer: It is not advisable to use the computer continuously for more than 4 hours in an air-conditioned room;
Air conditioning: It should not be used continuously for 24 hours. It should be turned off for a period of time during the day after overnight work.
Guaranteed voltage stability
Excessively high and low voltages and frequent power outages can damage the appliance and shorten its service life.
Pay attention to cleanliness
Household appliances should also be "bathed" frequently, and the dust can be removed regularly. The surface or inside of the appliance can be wiped with alcohol or detergent, and placed in a ventilated place to be evaporated and dried.
Do not overdue service
Many people do not have a clear concept of the age of the appliance, and the appliance will "formally retire" only after it is unavailable or even repaired. I don’t know that the “overdue service” appliance may be a “invisible bomb”.

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