Will drive the car will also turn on the lights five tricks to teach you the correct use of LED lights

Driving at night not only drives the light in the field of view, but the owner is more likely to relax and sleep than the daytime. Although the number of people with fewer cars reduces the difficulty of driving, the traffic accident rate is high, which is really a pain for the owner. Especially when the lights are used improperly at night, it is inconvenient for others to be inconvenient at the same time, but also buried a time bomb for their own safety!

So, how to use the lights correctly at night? Let's learn together!

1. On the road at night, first turn on the driving lights.

The driving lights are also known as "small lights" or width lights. The first thing before the owner gets on the road at night is to turn on the running lights first and show the four corners of the vehicle's body to other vehicles around to ensure the safe distance. The driving light switch is generally the first gear of the light switch. The small European reminds the owner that the two small lights at the front and the rear of the car are small enough, but it is enough for the surrounding owners to see the four corners of the car. It should be dark and rainy in the sky. In the case of an underground parking lot or the like, the traffic lights are illuminated early.

2. City driving can turn on the low beam light

When driving in the city at night, the distance between vehicles is often close. In addition, there are street lights on both sides of the road to assist the lighting. The owner only needs to turn on the low beam to see the road surface before the vehicle. Xiaoou reminds the owner that the traffic flow in the city at night is large, and the beams from all directions are intricately confused to drive the line of sight. Turning on the high beam will only cause the other owners to dazzle and increase the accident rate of each other. At this point, the owner only needs to turn on the low beam to ensure that the road surface in front of the vehicle can be seen.

It may also be because the lighting of the original car is not good in the suburban streetlights, and more owners choose to change the lights, so that the width of the low beam is increased, the brightness is also improved, and the car will switch to the low beam without illuminating the other party. Driver's eyes, driving safety is greatly improved.

3. National highway or highway is best to use high beam

When driving at night on a national highway, highway or street without lights, the owner should use high-beam lighting. When the high beam lights up, there will be a bright blue light on the dashboard. . However, remind the owner that when the road will be in time, the low beam should be replaced in time to avoid the dazzling high beam causing the driver of the other party to dazzle and reduce the driver's sight of the opposite driver.

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