Blueport's Interactive VR and AR Fields Facilitate Product Diversification

On August 12, 2016, Blueport Interactive Group released the 2016 interim report. The report shows that as of June 30, 2016, Blueport Interactive has successfully commercialized 24 games, including 15 self-talking games and 9 proxy games. Product types cover many different types such as RPG, ACT, CCG, and TBG. At the same time, Blueport Interactive will launch new products in the field of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), and keep up with the pace of the times to make a diversified product layout.

On May 10th, 2016, Blueport Technology launched the "Home Axe F1", a home Internet entertainment game. At the launch of the Tomahawk VR project, Blueport Interactive opened the first layout in the VR field. On the same day, Lan Hong Technology CEO Wang Feng announced the establishment of a host game & VR developer fund, and took out 200 million yuan funds to support the domestic excellent production team. A group of outstanding domestic game developers, represented by Lancet Technologies, Viva Gaming and Mage Interactive, have taken the lead in gaining investment from Blueport Technology. In the future, these host developers and VR game products launched by these developers will give priority to Blueport Technology. Agency distribution cooperation.

On July 28, 2016, Blueport Technology officially announced exclusive distribution of the main game "Project Boundary" host and VR dual version of the Chinese game developer Lancet Technology, which will be released on a global platform. This marks Blueport Technology officially launching VR game distribution business and becoming the first company in the world to have both host and VR game distribution capabilities.

On July 28, 2016, Langang Interactive Group officially announced that it will develop AR mobile games based on the IP of "Capturing the Demon", which will be jointly developed by the first and second R&D centers of Lan Kong Interactive Group. It will combine Chinese myth culture with the emerging LBS. , AR technology is organically combined to activate the national IP in a unique “catching” game.

The rise of VR and AR has brought unprecedented changes to the game industry. Games such as racing, shooting, fighting, RPG and so on will have a new sense of substitution in the new field. Wang Feng, Chairman of Lan Hong Kong’s Board of Directors, said: “The new areas of VR and AR will give players more excitement than the handhelds, mobile phones, and televisions they saw earlier. I’m particularly optimistic about this storm coming soon. , will change the game industry, I also started to do this preparation for the investment layout."

The integration of pan-entertainment elements such as games, film, and animation has been accelerating. Cross-border resource integration has become a trend. At the same time, new technologies for live broadcasting, AR, and VR are advancing with each passing day. Only by grasping the dividend period of new technological achievements and transforming them into applications can they become fierce. In the market competition, maintaining a dominant position has become a consensus of the global cultural industry.

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