Analysis of the implementation of architectural lighting design standards

First, the public's awareness of energy conservation is enhanced

The era calls for energy conservation and environmental awareness, and more needs every citizen to make practical actions and appeals. Citizen Zhou Baijian used his own home decoration as an example to demonstrate how to choose the lighting effect on energy saving during the renovation. The action shows the public's awareness of energy conservation and environmental protection. Each of us is eager for a new world in which people live in harmony with nature. We are truly eager to use this generation and the next generation's efforts in exchange for a beautiful new world without pollution, beautiful landscape, ecologically sound, rich resources and happy life. And this is precisely the environmental and development concept that citizens should have in the new century.

We can't just pursue our own material satisfaction, personal and partial improvement, and lose and abandon a minimum sense of urgency and minimum responsibility for energy conservation and environmental protection. No one wants to see our tears become the last drop of water on the earth; no one wants to hear the flocks screaming on the desolate and stumps; no one wants the mines to be razed to the ground. We love this land, we love this world, we are not willing to be the chief culprit to bury ourselves, and we must never dig graves for future generations!

Second, the basic situation of the standard

1. Standard preparation process and technical level

"Architectural Lighting Design Standards" (GB 50034-2004) is based on the original "Civil Lighting Design Standards" (GB 133-90) and "Industrial Enterprise Lighting Design Standards" (GB 50034-92), with reference to the International Commission on Illumination (CIE) The lighting standards for indoor workplace lighting standards (2001) and developed countries such as the United States, Japan, and Germany are determined through feasibility studies and technical and economic analysis.

In the process of standard preparation, the former State Economic and Trade Commission, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the Global Environment Facility (GEF), through the China Green Lighting Project Office, issued the national standard for the preparation of the “Energy Efficiency Standard for Architectural Lighting”. Both standards were edited by the China Academy of Building Research. After the approval of the two competent authorities, the “Energy Efficiency Standard for Architectural Lighting” was incorporated into the “Architectural Lighting Design Standards”. This standard was issued by the former Ministry of Construction on June 18, 2004 and was implemented on December 1, 2004.

There are three major changes in the new standard compared to the original standard;

First, the illuminance level has been greatly improved. The general illumination illumination standard values ​​specified in some major rooms or locations are increased by approximately 50% to 200%. It is a reasonable reflection of the needs of reality. Moreover, only one illuminance value is specified to cancel the third-range range value of the original standard, but it is allowed to reduce or increase the level in a certain room or place required under certain conditions and the building function level, and has certain flexibility. Although the new revised standard has more than doubled the original standard illumination, the power consumed has not increased.

Second, the lighting quality standards have been greatly improved and changed. Basically, it is close to international standards. It has high requirements for the light color of most rooms. For example, for people who have been working for a long time, the distortion of color recognition should not exceed 20. %, that is, the color rendering index is greater than 80, and the color rendering requirements of a few rooms are slightly lower. Secondly, there are new regulations on the glare generated by lighting. The glare limitation has no specific requirements in the original standard, and the new standard has a clear regulation, which is limited by the internationally accepted maximum allowable unified glare value, which improves the rationality and accuracy of the glare limitation. At the same time, this also puts new requirements on lighting equipment manufacturers and designs. Manufacturers must provide luminaires that comply with glare restrictions.

The third is to increase the maximum allowable lighting power density value of 108 common rooms or places in seven types of buildings such as residence, office, commerce, hotels, hospitals, schools and industries. In addition to residential buildings, the lighting power density limits of other six types of buildings It is a mandatory standard. It must be strictly enforced, requiring less electrical energy to ensure that the illumination required by the standard is met, that is, to achieve energy conservation, environmental protection, improved lighting quality, and the implementation of green lighting.

The three major goals of the new standard are:

One is to improve the illuminance level and lighting quality and improve the visual working conditions. It has a great influence on improving the visual performance, recognition rate, safety and error rate of production, work and learning, and has a good effect on people's psychology and physiology.

The second is to promote scientific and technological progress in the field of lighting. The new standard improves illumination, stipulates higher color rendering requirements and lighting power density values ​​suitable for China's situation and corresponding technical measures. These products have a strong impetus to the upgrading of products in the lighting and electrical industry, and to promoting the production, promotion and application of high-efficiency, high-quality electric light sources, lamps and other lighting products. Such as high-quality, high-efficiency, long-life rare earth trichromatic fluorescent lamps have been widely promoted and applied abroad, China's lighting technology has matured, but so far the production and application is still small. In view of its superior color rendering index, high luminous efficiency and long life, it meets the requirements of the new standard. After the new standard was promulgated and implemented, it was quickly promoted and applied. In addition, the new standards have also greatly promoted the design level of lighting projects. For example, how to achieve the specified illumination and lighting power density limits and lighting quality requirements also requires some design thinking, and find ways to achieve.

Third, it is conducive to improving lighting energy efficiency and promoting the implementation of green lighting. In the past, lighting design only focused on illuminance, but not enough attention to lighting energy efficiency, wasting a lot of electrical energy, especially in the secondary decoration in large public buildings, neglecting lighting energy saving. The new standard specifies the value of the lighting power density as a mandatory clause, plus the addition of inspection and supervision regulations, so that the standard puts the energy efficiency of the lighting system in an important position and is implemented. Taking the lighting of a kind of place such as an office and a classroom as an example, according to the requirements of the new standard, a rare earth trichromatic fluorescent lamp, an energy-saving magnetic ballast or an electronic ballast should be used, and the comprehensive performance ratio is similar to that of a halogen powder and a thick tube diameter fluorescent lamp. Compared with the same illumination, the illumination power density value is only 50% to 55% of the original, that is, the illumination is increased by more than 50% compared with the original standard, and the illumination power density value can be reduced by 18% to 28%; if the illumination is doubled At the same time, the illumination power density values ​​are approximately the same, and the lighting power is not increased. It can be seen that the new standard has greatly promoted the energy conservation and promoted the implementation of the green lighting project.

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